A little bit of background...

I began teaching yoga and meditation in a Meditation Centre in Guatemala, called Las Piràmides. It was an amazing place to live and learn. Special people, in an incredible environment. This was thirty years ago, and I was convinced this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Several years later, I began to study the Tarot as part of a Qabbalistic initiation, and I was simply blown away by the accuracy of the symbolism.

I started working individually with people in 2003, offering Tarot readings and personal regressions.  At this time, I didn’t realize where my readings and sessions would take me, nor really what my highest gifts were. I created an identity around being of service to others, and my ego loved it!  The price was many years oblivious to how much of my own healing I was ignoring, and bypassing.

To cut a long story short, I became a Dad, had several failed partnerships, slowly lost myself, and my personal practice.  I sat in the dark, and I was stubborn and didn’t like asking for help. After life slaps you regularly in the face, and even kicks your arse a few times, even the most stubborn are forced to wake up. I began my journey looking into my shadow personality, and the traumas I had locked away and was afraid to face up to.

marcus veysey about

I realised how many unconscious patterns from the past I hadn’t even looked at, but instead bypassed, sometimes in the name of a spiritual practice. I learned a lot, and still became complacent and lost myself again. My relationship with darkness was not pretty, but, like the cliché goes, I wouldnt be where I am now without it. I have a much clearer perspective of the journey in, and out of our human negativity, and a much bigger repertoire of ways to navigate this wonderful, but crazy world.

I also received great inspiration from some amazing people who I invited into my life, both consciously and unconsciously. Sometimes to uncomfortably kick my ass (which definitely needed a good booting into movement), and at other times to bring guidance. I know I am still on a journey, learning greater integrity, and love for this wonderful world, but I am appreciative for both the light, and the dark lessons that life has brought me. To all my teachers, although I may not have been at the time, I am humbly grateful!

"Marcus is an amazing advisor with very rooted, coherent, and down-to-earth advice, which will no doubt change your life for better. His practicality and wisdom are pillars when looking for advice or guidance in spirituality. Super recommended."
marcus veysey testimonial
Roberto Fleischmann
Jiu-Jitsu Instructor

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If you have any questions, feel free to email me: info@marcusveysey.com