The Fool jumped into a body. She forgot where she came from. Yet she chose to remember Love.
Love is the simplest, most basic, and primal need of Humanity. It is our connection, with ourselves, our loved ones, and with Source. We seek love in so many ways, but our programming often makes us repress it, fear it, and even pretend that we don’t need or want it. We are so drawn to outer expressions of love in the world, that we have forgotten that Love begins with our genuine inner-connection. This course is a journey to remember, and practice both our inner expression of self-love, and the outer manifestation of conscious relationships.
My intention is to help lift as many people as possible, in this world, into a more loving, vibrational state of mind and body. I am no Love Guru, but my experience has shown me a hundred ways to practice love. I have danced, played, tripped, fallen, and failed to love many times. Failure has been my greatest teacher, as it always will be. Deep dives into shame, fear and guilt, coupled with conscious work and radical honesty has transformed my world, and continues to do so.
Much of what I will share in this course, I feel should be common knowledge; the stuff of school curriculums. Reprogramming our beliefs, shifting our habits, and seeing ourselves with a spiritual perspective is the foundation of this work. It takes honesty, bravery, will, and dedication, all of which, I can’t provide. I can share the tools I have learned, the knowledge I have been taught, and hold a space for honesty and intimacy.
Choosing to share a course like this is definitely a little daunting for me. It has been my individual coaching work with people, over the years, that has inspired and shown me how important this love journey truly is. On my own path, I thought that I had dived all in, only to discover I had been paddling in Love’s shallows. I naively believed that I was loving with dedication and service, while in truth, I was blind to my own ego and selfish motives. I have blamed the outer world and given away any responsibility and power way too often. Even though it has taken a long time for me, I am grateful to have transformed much of my stubbornness and self-denial, and to have learned about self-Love and respect. There was no one, “Aha” moment, only countless lessons of loving my own shadow, and many trail-and-error choices! I know this course will naturally bring up the shadow for all the participants who choose to dive in. I am making this container a space for everyone to acknowledge, surrender, and transcend our outdated programs and habits.
This course will help us understand our relationship with Love. With a little dedication, we can surrender our false beliefs around love. We can install new ways of thinking, and practice embodying levels of honesty and empowerment, that we have never experienced before. Self-Love is an undeniable part of our purpose, on this earth. It holds a vibration that attracts relationships with an amazing potential for healing. The Group dynamic, in a course like this, is a special opportunity to practice vulnerability and communication. This is also a space to receive support and to be seen.
The Fool, (our Soul), realizes Unconditional Love, in his journey through the Major Arcana from the Magician to the World. We will dive into the teachings of these 22 cards over 12 weeks, and touch on the Tarot ‘Love’ wisdom, to inspire our journey.
The 12 weeks of this course will share a wide range of teachings and practices focussing on self-love, love relationships, and purpose. There will be a mixture of talks, both live and recorded, group, and individual exercises, and one-on-one sessions. The practices of this course are set up to challenge, strengthen and transform our beliefs around Love. It doesn’t matter if we have been married for decades, are single, or somewhere in between.
This Course starts on the 6th January 2024.
Here are some of the flavours, teachings and practices of the course:
- Meditation, Practice, and Transformation. Creating a personal practice of self awareness, making space for new habits. Defining our work, cultivating will, and preparing the stage for growth.
- Love as a daily ceremony. Commitment to our path, and the practice of devotion.
- We will study the Teachings of the 22 Major Arcana through the lens of Love, and relate the lessons of the Fool’s journey to our inner and outer relationships.
- Law of Attraction, Mirror law, Karma, and Accountability. Releasing victim mentality, practising full accountability and courage. Bringing Empowerment into our daily consciousness.
- Levels of Honesty and Communication. Self-inquiry with love and respect, deception traps, active vulnerability, power of sharing, the power of the Journal(s).
- Symbolism of Life. Learning to read signs, messages, on all levels. Understanding our inner four Elements, Gender Archetypes, understanding the Mental Universe.
- Patterns, Programs, Attachment types, and triggers. Humanity’s collective programs, self-denial, repression, coping mechanisms, anxiety, and anger.
- Consensual Relating, Emotional Intelligence. The Wheel of consent, Boundaries (poor, and exaggerated), listening to the body, self sabotage, and abuse.
- Safety and Space holding. Where and how we find safety in every situation. What Boundaries look like, and how and when to make them. Finding confidence, and courage to release fear and anxiety.
- Relationship patterns, Ancestral healing – The parent self-diagnosis, seeing our inherited stories. understanding the purpose of personal development, and causal effects on family dynamics. Transcending deep-seated core habits.
- IFS, Parts, Reparenting. Working with the Internal Family System, working with inner parts, Reparenting our inner child.
- Partner Exercises. Gratitude, conflict resolution, deal-making, uncompromising solutions. Listening and being heard. Step-by-step guidance for couples.
- The Extraordinary Lover. Attracting the right partner. Becoming the sexiest version of ourselves. Bringing the best out of our partner. Breaking Love-making Taboos.
- Sharing wisdom with others. I will dedicate at least one live share to some guidance around passing on, or teaching, all that you have learned with others.
- Purpose, Service. Aligning with heart, and walking our walk.
- And no doubt more…
Structure of the Course
- We will start and finish the course with opening and closing ceremonies.
- There will be 16 Live shares of teachings over the 12 weeks, with the specific times to be decided by group availability (times zones etc).
- Each participant will have 8 individual 90 minute coaching sessions with Marcus.
- Recorded teachings and practices will be shared each week.
- Tasks and group sharing will be an aspect of the work.
- Recorded Tarot teachings will be some bonus shares at different times during this course.
The Price I am placing for this course is £949. The numerology being 22. Apt for this course, I feel. I would love to offer this course at a price that is affordable for everyone who may benefit and is in need. And with larger groups, I can bring the price down. SO let’s see.
If you have an interest in this course and wish for more information, drop me a line below. If you wish to sign up for this course straight away, simply fill out the form below, and we can plan a Foolish Love Journey!!