
A mature, elderly man with a white beard stands on the top of the mountain, looking down on the path that leads to where he stands. He is alone, holding a space of higher awareness that he has achieved through dedicated practice.

He has his staff in one hand and a lantern in the other. His light is shaped like a six-pointed Star of David. This shows the balance and inner harmony that he has achieved. He stands as a guide to others seeking to walk his path. 

He is cloaked, and his back is a deliberate straight line to the earth, symbolizing his masculine direction, focus and grounded practicality. 


Upright:   Wisdom, understanding inner gifts, clarity, self-awareness, conscious giving, passive guidance, maturity, patience, silence, retreat, meditation, solitude, self-reflection, soul-searching..

Reversed:  Excessive introvert, fear of sharing, fear to go inside, resistance to being alone, lack of growth, isolation and withdrawal.

Upright meaning

The Hermit represents a deeper level of masculine maturity. The male energy is normally outward focussed, and more hesitant to connect on an inner, more subtle level. But here is the man who has walked his path and sincerely connected within with practice and discipline. This journey is one he lights up for others to follow.

The Hermit is comfortable being alone, and he recognizes the gift of finding one’s truth inside ourselves. This is primarily a solitary experience of us with ourselves. The Hermit sets the example, and encourages us to find our personal path, without exactly teaching or preaching the way, just holding the space and setting the example.

This is why the Hermit calls for us to go within, spend some time with ourselves, without external distractions. Make space to connect with our inner truth and guidance. Look for direction, clarity and purpose as to what our goals are and how to achieve them. If a guide on the outside appears, the hermit can also represent someone meant to help light up our path.

It is a great time to sit back and recognize the journey we have walked. We are no longer the same insecure person, looking to prove ourselves at every turn. We have gained experience and wisdom, and that is something wonderfully valid to share with a passive, living example for the world.

Reversed meaning

The shadow of the Hermit can look like either a resistance to going within and being alone with ourselves, or a pull towards some of his extreme tendencies. The obvious resistance to be alone comes from a fear of facing our shadow and darker traumas and feelings, which will naturally come up, the moment we are left with ourselves. Facing ourselves with a masculine strength and acceptance is key to releasing this resistance. 

We may also deny ourselves time to be alone through feeling that this is selfish, and that we would be ignoring or rejecting others. We need to realize that spending time honestly connecting with ourselves in some spiritual practice, may look selfish on the outside, but is in fact a selfless act. As the card shows, the light we find within, is an inspiration for the world around us.

One reason this card can be reversed is that we maybe be guiding or helping the world on the outside as a habit, and neglecting the need to guide ourselves. We may need both to take time out for ourselves, and welcome others to be a guide for us.


The extreme nature of the Hermit can be seen when we have an addiction to going within and being alone. We retreat and hide in the safety of our own presence, often due to a fear of the world or the discomfort we experience in it. Life can be a lot simpler when we are on our own, but if we have found some of life’s wisdom, the world would love us to share, bring it out, and be an example.