The Nine of Cups

A wealthy-looking portly man sits on a stool looking forward to us as if he is presenting something and knows that he is being seen. His posture is a little defensive with his arms crossed over his heart, showing that he is protective of all the cups that he has collected.
Behind and above him are nine cups laid out in a curved row on top of a curtained support. We don’t see what the support is nor what is beneath the curtain. This shows that something is hidden here and not all the truth can be seen. The largest part of this card is not the person nor the cups but the stand and the veil covering it suggesting that what is more important is what is hidden.
Upright: Abundance, satisfaction, appreciation, self-importance, pride, prosperity, fulfilling dreams, taking pleasures, resting on laurels, feeling closed, feeling enough.
Reversed: Complacency, show-off, fears of lack, addiction, indulgence, disappointment, fear of hurt, over, sensitive, lifting the veil.
Upright meaning
Because the Nines precede the completion of the Tens, their messages prepare us for embracing the tenth of each suit. It is different for each suit and here is a man who is content and relaxed with his abundance and showcase of cups that he displays for all to see. As long as his satisfaction is full of gratitude, he will attract the joy of the Ten.
This card calls for us to show our appreciation to the world. Just as the cups are on display, we can similarly show and share our feelings and desires. We have earned a rest and we can feel a positive pride in what we have achieved. We may have suffered to have come to where we are, but we are in a good place now. It is time to give thanks for the plenty we have and to allow ourselves to experience the pleasures of our success.
Because there is more abundance and joy to follow this Nine, the transition this card speaks about is one where we slowly relax into the feeling of deeper happiness. The figure’s arms are crossed and he is still a little wary to open up more. It has taken courage and strength to embrace all his feelings. He deserves a little R&R with gratitude before he opens up one last time.
Reversed meaning
The shadow of this Nine is seen in different ways. One way is where our comfort is no longer something that we feel grateful for but something that we take for granted. Things have been good for a while so we stop making an effort and become complacent. We will lose our desire for growth and may not get to experience that tenth cup.
We don’t ordinarily parade our darker emotional experiences such as our fears or shame. And yet the lessons that these negative emotional programs have taught us have been incredibly powerful. The ugly truths, full of mistakes and unconsciousness have helped us grow the most. This reversal asks us to share with the world more of our darker past to encourage others to make the same journey. It could be time to lift the curtain beneath those cups.
If we still hold onto fear, the emotional stability of this Nine will feel fragile and temporary. We may be wary of accepting new experiences and relationships through fear of losing what we have gained. We may close ourselves off on a heart level in an attempt to protect ourselves from past pain coming back into our lives. We may not trust the abundance we are experiencing.

When we fear losing something, we will often attract that loss. It is time to bring ourselves back to the heart-centred self-love that brought us to the joy of this nine in the first place. If our fear of loss makes us over-attached to people and relationships, it is a good time to really give ourselves more care and attention.